Heal the layers of what it's not feeling right in your present moment.
According to Dr. Edward Bach
Fears, procrastination, feeling stuck, repeating patterns, feelings of not being enough, shame, guilt, worries, tiredness, worries, and perfectionism are some of the emotions we can feel in our everyday lives or while running our own business.
All those feelings tell us that emotions are out of our natural balance, and if we do not listen, our bodies can do it for us.
We can rebalance our emotions with the Bach flowers and find the courage and inner peace to dare to be who we are and show it to the world.
Transform your mental and emotional state
The Bach flowers are 38 elixirs from flowers developed by Dr. Edward Bach.
Each flower represents an archetype and a mental or emotional state that we all experience at certain moments of our lives. Because of that, this remedy works in the present moment, so it directly treats your inner state to heal by layers very subtly but profoundly.
How do I feel now? What is blocking me from reaching my goals? Which thoughts or feelings are not helping me to grow?
We usually repeat those mental and emotional states and what we say in our inner chat, revealing uncomfortable feelings such as fear, loneliness, hopelessness, worries, sadness, anger, envy, doubts, and others.
We usually don't listen to them; they can get stuck in our bodies and even become illnesses.
To recover your natural state of being happy, in inner peace, and full of joy, the energy of the elixirs of the Bach Flowers do their work from the inside to the outside.
During the 30-to 45-minute online session, we discuss how you are feeling, the thoughts that keep you out of bed, your inner chat, and all the feelings you are uncomfortable with.
I suggest the best combination of flowers to start.
The mix of flowers comes in a bottle with a dropper and lasts between 3 weeks and one month, and the dose is four drops 3 times a day.
As the session is online, I will send you the list with the explanation, and you can order the 30ml bottle at your holistic pharmacy.
(If you live in La Riviera, VD, Switzerland, I can prepare the bottle for you personally.)
Trust in the wisdom of nature inside these flower elixirs to recover step by step your freedom.